Sažetak | Iako je osobna sigurnost često spomenuta tema u medijima, o njoj se govori u društvu, ali i u znanosti, definicije koje govore o pojmu osobne sigurnosti izrazito je teško pronaći. Ukoliko i postoje, vezane su uz nacionalnu sigurnost, ili opću, odnosno, ljudsku sigurnost. S druge pak strane, samoobrana je nešto poznatiji pojam, a ona označava pravo svakog pojedinca na obranu i osiguranje vlastite sigurnosti, odnosno, samoobrana nije traženje borbe, nego pružanje efikasne obrane.
Cilj ovog rada bio je istražiti i istaknuti svijest o osobnoj sigurnosti u suvremenom društvu i prikazati važnost samoobrane. Također, rad obrađuje i, koliko je autorici rada poznato, rijetko spomenute pojmove sigurnosne svijesti i sigurnosne kulture koji doprinose u postizanju osobne sigurnosti.
U svrhu istraživanja provedena je anketa među 425 osoba s područja Republike Hrvatske. Anketa je uključivala osobe oba spola svih dobnih skupina.
Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da gotovo 99% ispitanika smatra osobnu sigurnost važnom ili vrlo važnom, ali je njih 43.6% odgovorilo da je nedovoljno ili slabo upoznato s navedenim pojmom. Nadalje, više od 55% ispitanika ne zna što podrazumijeva pojam sigurnosne svijesti, dok 67.9% tvrdi da je dobro, vrlo dobro ili izvrsno upoznato s pojmom samoobrane. Ipak, samo je 6.4% ispitanika pohađalo tečaj samoobrane. Tako nizak postotak vodi do jednog od prijedloga ovoga rada za daljnja postupanja, a predlaže se promovirati tečajeve samoobrane među školama, fakultetima, stanovništvom, kao i provođenje besplatnih tečajeva. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Although personal safety is an often mentioned topic in the media, it is talked about in society, but also in science, definitions that talk about the concept of personal safety are extremely difficult to find. If they exist, they are related to national security, or general, apropos, human security. On the other hand, self-defense is a slightly better-known term, and it denotes the right of every individual to defend and ensure his own safety, that is, self-defense is not seeking a fight, but providing effective defense.
The aim of this paper was to investigate the prominent awareness of personal safety in modern society and to show the importance of self-defense. Also, the paper deals with, as far as the authors of the paper know, the rarely mentioned concepts of security awareness and security culture, which contribute to the achievement of personal security.
For the purpose of the research, a survey was conducted among 425 people from the Republic of Croatia. The survey included people of both sexes of all age groups.
The results of the research showed that almost 99% of respondents consider personal safety important or very important, but 43.6% of them answered that they were insufficiently or poorly familiar with the term. Furthermore, more than 55% of respondents do not know what is meant by safe awareness, while 67.9% claim that they are well, very well or excellently familiar with the concept of self-defense. However, only 6.4% of participants attended a self-defense course. Such a low percentage leads to one of the proposals of this paper for further actions, and it is suggested to promote self-defense courses among schools, colleges, and the population, as well as conducting free courses. |