Abstract | Cilj ovog diplomskog rada je pregled i analiza odabrane znanstvene literature od ideje nadčovjeka do novijih izdanja u području genetike kako bi se prikazao napredak medicine i genetike u svrhu poboljšanja i modifikacije ljudskog tijela. U ovom radu je opisana ideja o savršenom čovjeku koja postoji još od davnih vremena, stoga su obrađeni neki pojmovi koji su se stvorili iz tih ideja poput eugenike i transhumanizma. Eugenika je znanost koja se bavi poboljšanjem ljudskih gena, a njezin utemeljitelj je britanski antropolog Francis Galton. Eugenikom su se u prošlosti pravdale mnoge prisilne metode poput eutanazije, sterilizacije, pobačaja, koje su se najviše koristile u SAD-u i Njemačkoj. Transhumanizam je intelektualni i kulturni pokret koji podržava uporabu novih znanosti i tehnologija za poboljšanje ljudskih mentalnih i fizičkih sposobnosti i prirođenih vještina, te poništenje onoga što se smatra nepoželjnim i nepotrebnim aspektima ljudskog stanja, kao što su glupost, patnja, bolest, starenje i neželjena smrt. Također su opisane tehnike genetičkog inženjeringa, koje mnogi znanstvenici nazivaju metodama nove eugenike, poput: CRISPR/Cas9 metode, kloniranja, terapija matičnim stanicama i prenatalna dijagnostika. Tim metodama je zajednički faktor utjecaj na gene ili izmjena ljudskih gena, pa se uz njih vežu mnoga bioetička, moralna i vjerska pitanja. Nadalje, sve metode genetičkog inženjeringa bi se trebale koristiti za opće dobro ljudi, u svrhu liječenja i poboljšanja zdravlja, a ne da zadiru u čovjekovu izvornost i dostojanstvo. |
Abstract (english) | Throughout history an idea has been conceived of creating a superhuman who would meet certain criterias in terms of appearance, intelligence and behaviour. Concepts such as eugenics and transhumanism emerged from these kind of ideas. Eugenics is a science which represents the enhancement of human genes, while transhumanism is an intellectual and cultural movement that supports the usage of different technologies and sciences in order to improve the mental and physical characteristics of humans. Francis Galton was the founder of eugenics. Eugenics used coercive methods such as euthanasia, sterilization and abortion, and most were applied in the USA and Germany. Advances in medicine and genetics show that it is possible to alter and modify the human body, therefore the question arises as to how and where to set a line over such experiments and how to preserve the human originality. The aim of this thesis is to review and analyze certain scientific literature, from the idea of superhuman to more recent issues in the field of genetics to show the development in medicine and genetics in order to improve and modify the human body, which lies in old myths about eternal life and phylosophycal ideas of superbeing. In the light of forensic genetics a new method will be evaluated, CRISPR/CAS9, which offers the possibility of gene modifications. This and similiar methods open up numerous questions about their regulation and application. Most of these questions are ethical in nature. Ethical questions and bioethical issues are related to far-reaching consequences of genetic engineering on civilization and the human race as a whole. The paper will highlight the dangers and risks of interfering in the human genom in order to raise awareness of the ethical responsibility of scientists towards future generations and their moral obligation to preserve the natural, biological and genetical heritage. |