Abstract | CILJ: Cilj rada je analizirati statističke podatke o različitim vrstama pobačaja u Republici Hrvatskoj za razdoblje od 2000. do 2021. godine te ustanoviti postojanje silazne ili uzlazne putanje broja pobačaja. Nadalje, cilj ovog rada je usporediti dobivene podatke o prekidu trudnoće s prirodnim kretanjem stanovništva u Republici Hrvatskoj.
METODE: Za potrebe ovog istraživanja korištena su izvješća Hrvatskog zavoda za javno zdravstvo o pobačajima u zdravstvenim ustanovama u Hrvatskoj. Također, kao izvor podataka korištena su i izvješća Državnog zavoda za statistiku. Svi podaci uneseni su u Microsoft Office Excel 2010 program i prikazani grafički.
REZULTATI: Za kategorije ukupnog broja pobačaja općenito i po dobnim skupinama analizirano je vremensko razdoblje od 2000. do 2021. godine. Najveću zastupljenost u ukupnom broju pobačaja imaju žene u dobi 17-19 te 30-39 godina. Najveći udio u ukupnom broju svih vrsta pobačaja zauzimaju legalno inducirani (medicinski) pobačaji koji su za dano razdoblje u padu. Za kategorije bračnog statusa žena, razlozi za legalno inducirani pobačaj, korištene metode kontracepcije te prekid trudnoće s obzirom na starost ploda analizirano je razdoblje od 2017. do 2021. godine. Žene koje su u braku i koje nisu koristile nikakvu metodu kontracepcije prilikom spolnog odnosa čine najveći udio u broju legalno induciranih pobačaja te je preko 80% žena svoju trudnoću odlučilo prekinuti u prvih 10 tjedana od začeća. Usporedbom broja legalno induciranih pobačaja u Hrvatskoj i određenim europskim državama (2002.-2020.godine), broj žena ispod 20 godina koje su se odlučile na prekid trudnoće ostaje relativno nepromijenjen u svim zemljama, dok broj žena iznad 35 godina koje su se odlučile na pobačaj pokazuje trend opadanja. Od 31 zdravstvene ustanove u RH koja obavlja pobačaj, 67% izvodi kirurški a 32% medikamentozni pobačaj. U 26 zdravstvenih ustanova 45% ginekologa i 89% anesteziologa izvodi pobačaj na zahtjev žene, te se na priziv savjesti poziv 54 % liječnika i 10,7 % anesteziologa. Prirodno kretanje stanovništva Republike Hrvatske, kao i broj legalno induciranih pobačaja pada (2000.-2021. godine). Ustanovljeno je da je broj legalno induciranih pobačaja na 1000 živorođenih minimalno 6 puta veći od broja živorođene djece na 1000 žena reproduktivne dobi (2011.-2020.godine).
ZAKLJUČCI: Tijekom godina broj legalno induciranih pobačaja pada te da su prisutni u skoro svakoj dobnoj skupini i bračnom statusu. Najveći broj žena ne koristi nikakvu metodu 45 kontracepcije te taj trend raste kroz godine, posebice kod adolescentica. Iako postoje razne inicijative od strane društva protiv pobačaja, daleko najveći broj pobačaja izvršen je baš na zahtjev žene. |
Abstract (english) | OBJECTIVES: The aim of the study is to analyze statistical data on different types of abortions in the Republic of Croatia, for the period from 2000 to 2021, and to establish the existence of a downward or upward trend in the number of abortions. Furthermore, the aim of this work is to compare the obtained data on termination of pregnancy with the natural population movement in the Republic of Croatia.
METHODS: For the purposes of this research, reports on abortions in health institutions in Croatia, from the Croatian Institute of Public Health, were used. Reports from the National Bureau of Statistics were also used as a source of data. All data were entered into the Microsoft Office Excel 2020 program and displayed graphically.
RESULTS: In this study, the time period from 2000 to 2021 was analyzed for the categories of the total number of abortions in general and by age groups. Women aged 17-19 and 30-39 have the highest representation in the total number of abortions. The largest share in the total number of all types of abortions is occupied by legally induced (medical) abortions, which are in decline for the given period. The time period from 2017 to 2021 was analyzed for the categories of women's marital status, reasons for legally induced abortion, contraceptive methods used, and termination of pregnancy with regard to the age of the fetus. Married women who did not use any method of contraception during sexual intercourse make up the largest share of the number of legally induced abortions, and over 80% of women decided to terminate their pregnancy within the first 10 weeks of conception. By comparing the number of legally induced abortions in Croatia and certain European countries (2002-2020), the number of women under the age of 20 who decided to terminate their pregnancy remains relatively the same in all countries, while the number of women over 35 years old shows a decreasing trend in the number of abortions through the years. Of the 31 health institutions in the Republic of Croatia that perform abortions, 67% perform surgical and 32% medical abortions. In 26 health institutions, 45% of gynecologists and 89% of anesthesiologists perform abortions at the request of women, and 54% of doctors and 10.7% of anesthesiologists have a conscientious objection. The natural movement of the population of the Republic of Croatia, as well as the number of legally induced abortions, is falling (2000-2021). It was established that the number of legally induced abortions per 1,000 live births is at least 6 times higher than the number of live births per 1,000 women of reproductive age (2011-2020).
CONCLUSIONS: With this work, it can be concluded that over the years the number of legally induced abortions is decreasing and that they are present in almost every age group and marital status. The majority of women do not use any method of contraception, and this trend grows over the years, especially among adolescent girls. Although there are various initiatives by society against abortion, by far the largest number of abortions were carried out precisely at the request of the woman. |